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CEO Leadership Assessment Tool Introduction 

Getting started on anything can be the hardest part.  Getting on the path to being or becoming a sustainable organization is no different, and thus the best way to think about this is to consider it just like you might do for any undertaking – the first step is understanding where you are. 

For this we want a perspective that is from the drone, not from the microscope.  Let’s get some altitude and understand the big picture first.  To that end, what questions do you need to be asking yourself of your organization, and of yourself as its leader?  

To assist you, we have provided the CEO Leadership assessment Tool, which has 8 questions across four areas of your operations.  By considering these questions and thoughtfully recording your assessment of the current situation, you will have taken a big first step – understanding where you are. 


Designer’s note: We will need to make this questionary interactive. Please keep this styling above.

A) Leadership

  1. Does your museum have a sustainability plan/master plan? 

    Yes ☐ No ☐

  2. Do you have internal policies that guide sustainability work? If so, for which areas? (multiple choice)

    ☐ General blanket policy, no specific area 

    ☐ Facilities/ Cleaning

    ☐ Gift Shop

    ☐ Exhibits

    ☐ Visitor Services (café, visitor amenities)

    ☐ Education/ programming

    ☐ Investment policies

    ☐ Office operations

  3. How would you rate your current organizational status on sustainability?

    Scale rating 1 to 5: 1 - no work has been done; 5 - staff and board are united and actively work together

    ☐ 1

    ☐ 2

    ☐ 3

    ☐ 4

    ☐ 5

B) Building operations

  1. Do you measure your emissions?

    Yes ☐ No ☐

  2. Have you contacted your power utility to make your building more efficient/lower your emissions?

    Yes ☐ No ☐

C) Staff

  1. Does your staff/and /or board have a Green Team (a committee that works to address green initiatives)?

  2. Do you have a work culture that includes sustainability?

    Scale rating 1 to 5: 1 - it is not part of operations or staff/board discussions; 5 - staff and board are united and activley work together

    ☐ 1

    ☐ 2

    ☐ 3

    ☐ 4

    ☐ 5

D) Communications

  1. Does the public know about your sustainability efforts?

    Yes ☐ No ☐

  2. Do you have concerns about the public reception of sustainability work, or using the words “climate change”?

    Scale rating 1 to 5: 1 - it is not a word we would use; 5 - we have used this word

    ☐ 1

    ☐ 2

    ☐ 3

    ☐ 4

    ☐ 5

Home / Start / Where to start and why / Where to start / CEO Leadership Assessment Tool